Be that person.

Monday 23 January 2017

Today's thought.

Too many people wait for a change instead of helping to 'be' the change. So this is a post of encouragement for everyone. If you wish to make a difference? Do it. Google search ways you can help within your community or country or even the world!!! Or simply help your neighbor. Yes! it is possible. We live in a world where we look at each other to see who's doing what? Well, what if we just helped because we wanted to? If you don't know where to volunteer or ways to help - THANK GOODNESS FOR THE INTERNET! Do your research! Or you can ask friends/families if they needed any help with anything or know of places that need volunteers. It all starts with you! Be that person that makes a difference, not somebody who 'waits'.... Be part of the movement!!! You can do it! So what will you decide to do this week, month or year? How will you influence others positively? What can you do to make this world a better place? Remember.... IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU!

- CJM 

Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Meet Marley!

Location: Australia
Marley is a very caring individual who wants nothing else but to see this world better than how it is now. Though she has a heart of gold & a kind radiant smile, Marley herself has gone through certain situations also & would love to share her story with us here on DAILY PIECE OF SUNSHINE in hopes it could reach someone who is in a similar situation.

"My name is Marley fisher, the page that I have created on Facebook is called "Marley fishers PT&A (positive thoughts & advice)" For the first main reason as to why I created this page before I changed it,was a page where I could write down all my songs that I had written when I was in a really tough and emotional stage in my life and it came to mind that a lot of people out there are going through the exact same thing and I wanted to reach out to people to let them know that they weren't alone. Now the purpose of my page is to be that listening ear and friend that people need when going through things that are hard to cope with alone. As well as a tribute to my dear friend who had committed suicide.
The reasoning as to why I want to help other is because I know exactly what it is like to have absolutely nobody to help you overcome suicidal thoughts or depression, anxiety well anything really and it is very hard handling these awful things alone. I want to make a change because it is such an important need for this society!
For me personally, I had to become very independent at such a young age. I went through things that no 13 year old should even have been going through. I never had the support I needed when I was going through depression and having suicidal thoughts. It was a very difficult thing to go through. What helped me overcome this was constant praying and feeling the support from our Heavenly Father.
I pray that there is UNITY in every community, positive environments to help nourish these beautiful souls that will soon be our future leaders. It is important that we as the adults nurture these mines full of beautiful gems to be able to shine as bright as they can be!
My advice to everybody is do it 100% it is so much more of a blessing being able to help somebody then it is to help yourself. Confirmation is key. You put in the effort you will be confirmed!"

Thank you, Marley, for sharing a courageous story like yours with us here. It proves that your mentality is what can pull you out of situations & the power of prayer can do wonders. If you wish to join in on this positive movement, send all inquiries to


Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Meet Tymie!

Location: Samoa

Tymie is a young woman who resides in Samoa and has faced her own personal challenges which has made her stronger & wiser in many ways & yet so close to a choice which would've ended it all for her. Keep reading to see how she handled herself through her trials & what she advices anyone out there who is currently in the same situation or heading there.

"Growing up was pretty much hard for me especially when I was adopted & I didn't have both my parents by my side to guide me along the way. My whole life growing up in a different surrounding was difficult. I've always felt like I didn't belong there & it was like living in a prison cell struggling everyday to get out. I've always called my own home a living hell because I was always left out, blamed on everything that happens & much more.

I first experienced bullying when I was about 9 years old and I have to say the feeling sucks. Up till now I'm still dealing with being bullied but I keep telling myself that I can do this. Its nothing new unlike before whenever I got bullied I always cut myself & the only thing that pops up in my mind was suicide BUT that isn't the case anymore. What kept me together at times of need was the love from my great grandmother. She's my rock, role model, my better half & my idol. I actually owe everything to her. She was my strongest partner who kept pushing me to be strong & to be myself that no matter what happens she will never leave my side.

I was so close to ending everything like LEGIT. When my own family couldn't accept me for who I am I felt useless & in my mind it kept saying "There's no use of me living on this earth " I mean what's the use when no one wants me & love me?😪 I cried every night to sleep & every single day because they always say I was a mistake & how I wished I never existed. Going through this experience, I would often think to myself of how I wished my mom had aborted me back then? I was so close I kept cutting myself until I bleed & and all that I could think of was SUICIDE. At times, I would just lock myself in the room & cry hard out then I would just bend down on my knees & pray to God to please help me.. I would pray to him to please show me the right thing to do & I kept asking him what my real purpose on life is.
The person that inspires me every day is my great grandmother. As I've mentioned before she's my rock. She's my heart in human form. She inspires me to keep fighting & to always stay positive for at the end of all my suffering there will always be a brighter light waiting for me at the end. If I would become half the woman she is then I consider myself the richest person alive. There was never a dull moment with her. She was my light guiding me through my darkest days. I owe her my life😭 & I don't know what I would do without her to be honest. She inspires me to become a greater person each and every day.
As of right now I'm taking good care of two adorable kids I am proud to call my very own. I believe kids are gods greatest gifts to us. Being a mother to two amazing kids is a blessing for me because I have always loved kids. I guess its in my blood hehe. Like I have this very special bond (its unique) with them that no one else understands. I took on that responsibility of being their guardian because I believe that every single child has the right to be happy & to be in a peaceful & happy environment. As soon as I laid eyes on them (my babies) I fell in love. I felt like that was my chance to give those kids a much more better life than the one I had. I don't want them to grow up & experience every difficulty & every single obstacle I went through. That's why all the love that I have right now is the love I'm showering my kids with.
I hope that the future would bring good luck for those in my care especially my kids.. I hope that everything will go as planned & for them to achieve all their goals & always be happy. I also hope that in the future they would grow up to be as faithful & loving as my great grandmother & for them to always remember that I love them with my whole being.
I know everyone is fighting their own battles so my only advice for them is to be STRONG ,be COURAGEOUS & always have FAITH in our Heavenly Father for I know he has a plan for each and everyone of us.. He can see our pain & everything that we are going through, so never lose hope and keep PRAYING for he's a loving God & he will never forsake us. My other advice to whoever is going through a rough battle right now is to "ALWAYS BE YOU" . No matter what happens just be your original self & never change for anyone. Nothing is impossible to God so just hang in there and be patient. God is with us as always."

What an experience & certainly something we should all be aware, that bullying still exists. It is something that should always be addressed, something we should try to stop in any way we can. Thank you Tymie for sharing your journey with DAILY PIECE OF SUNSHINE. It's quite courageous for anyone with a story like this to step forward and share with everyone their personal experience on any issues especially with bullying & being so close to suicide & inspire others in the same situation to keep fighting to live another day, we all have a purpose. If you wish to share your journey with us here, email all inquiries to FOLLOW US ON IG @dailypieceofsunshine