Know your circle

Wednesday 26 October 2016

After high school, I found that - that's where you really find out who your friends are. I have drifted from so many I used to call "close" friends or even "best friends" In a way, I am glad I did. It exposed the kind of people I was associating with & some of which weren't really great company. And while I lost some of the friends I have made in 5 years of schooling, I gained more positive people who has influenced my life in many ways to become the person I am today. I find that, if I had stuck to the crowd I was in, I would be among people who don't wish to see their friends succeed. So evaluate  everyone you call a "friend" & if you find yourself in the same position as I did - don't be afraid to break away & be on your own to discover what kind of people you need to associate with.  Remember friends push each other up, they don't bring each other down.

- CJM 

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