Being happy is a CHOICE.

Friday 4 November 2016

There are many people I come across that think in order for them to be happy, they must do.... and then they start naming their list. Okay, I don't know how that works? But I personally think it doesn't. While you are awaiting for certain events or what not, you're wasting time. You're letting another day go by. In order to be happy, YOU have to CHOOSE to be happy. No one has a perfect life, everyone has their own battles, struggles etc but if you can still see the light at the end of the tunnel, you have a reason to be happy. It all has to do with your mindset. Just because you see someone's always happy, it doesn't mean their life is perfect? No, it just means that even if there is so much happening (which majority of the time, there is) they CHOOSE to be happy and not let it get to them. It means that they understand that though life gets tough, it isn't worth being worried & upset about things that weigh them down. It's about being optimistic even through the times where it feels like being positive is the last thing you can be. Wake up & just be happy & smile. Listen to a cheerful song or surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Don't go searching for happiness or wait for it. You create happiness yourself. 

- CJM 

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