It has started! Something exciting!

Monday 14 November 2016

So since the beginning of this year, I've literally wanted to do something that I've been thinking of doing for YEARS. I guess in a way, I've had other things I had to do first before I can get this underway & today, well I just got started on this new project which was longggg overdue! But it was successful. With the help of a mentor, I'm actually quite excited! Only a few people know of what is in the works but the rest of you will find out, once it's finished. All I can say is that once this project of mine is completed, I will be one proud mommy & wife! 

For anyone who's been wanting to start something but don't know where to start? Do your research. It helps spending at least an hour on the internet looking up all the knowledge you can get to push your goals of what you wish to accomplish. Ask people, having contacts or getting in contact with people is another great way to get some answers or directions of where you should go. Believe in yourself , you can't get to where you want to be if you don't believe in YOU. Last but not least, START! Each dream or goal starts by a single step. 

- CJM 

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