He left you.... now what?

Saturday 26 November 2016

You are going to get up & dust yourself off, that is what's happening now!
Forget about revenge, forget about keying his car or breaking his PS3. Let karma get him but YOU need to fix yourself & get yourself pumped & handle life again.

A guy is a guy & sometimes we meet the wrong type of one BUT that doesn't mean you need to forget about YOURSELF. Show him up by doing better than what you were. Push your boundaries baby girl & don't let him think he's won.

Distract yourself (Not with more guys) Take your frustrations out at the gym with a hard core workout sesh. Turn some "Screamo" music on & start head banging & screaming. Set up your goals & work to accomplish them. Go for a walk or a jog. Go out to a friend's place. Do anything that could take your mind off it. You know why? Because the quicker you bounce back, the quicker you can move on to better things & to a better person.

If he just up and left you, well you can up & leave your memories together too. Do better for yourself & know that you are destined for greatest. 

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