Do you have a jealous friend?

Saturday 19 November 2016

This is something a quite few individuals have brought to my attention. Friends? What are friends? People we confide in? People who know us for a period of time? People we've just grown to know?

As we grow, we make friends, we lose friends, gain new ones & then we have the 'undercover' type. I'll explain what I mean. The undercover type of friend, is there for you (just like any other) but yet if you were to become successful or happy for instance - that friend begins to feel some envy towards you. 

How to know?
  • Communication will cease a little. 
  • Take a good look at the way they talk to you. Are they using 1 word answers? or are you always receiving short answers?
  • They'll avoid talking about your good news or anything great that is occuring in your life. Sometimes it feels like they don't want to know. 
  • They'll somehow direct your conversation back to them. 
  • They won't ask if you need help with anything or even take interest in your life. 
  • Talk about you or your life via social media or to another friend.
They are some things to look out for. 

But some have come to me asking, what should they do?
Easy. Do nothing but SUCCEED & embrace in your own happiness. 
A real friend will not hold anything against you certainly not your happiness or achievements. That's what friends are for. To support & to share that happiness with their friend. Keep your head high & don't let negative feelings put you off from whatever path you're on through your personal journey. Don't seek REVENGE. Instead, distance yourself a bit because sometimes they need a little space of their own to think clearly about how they are coming across. There are some situations where a friendship will either mend or it won't. The choice is yours. But have an understanding that some people envy you because where you are at your stage in life, is where they wish to be OR you have what they would like to have but haven't been able to get there just yet. Just try read people a little better then you will have a clear perspective of how to go about your friendship with that person. 

If you're the friend who's a bit envious of your friend/bestfriend, try to shake that feeling away & think of the true values of your friendship. It's easy for anyone to feel a bit jealous of their friends especially if their life seems more progressive than yours. But everyone's journey has it's own course. Everyone starts life at their own pace. 
What can you do to help? Focus on your goals & your own personal achievements. When your friend is at a 'high' so are you! Because you're friend is progressing in life, that's something to be joyous about. And a great way to use that positivity to push yourself also.

I hope this helps, remember - we're all living life & trying to make the most of it, we each have our own paths, we each have our own dreams. As friends, we have to help each other succeed & share that joy with each other.


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