Would you take the risk?

Saturday 26 November 2016

Many definitions. 

Various forms.
Different experiences. 

I flew miles for the one I love. I'm married to him now & we are still living apart in different countries. Awaiting the day, his visa gets approved. We were given a time frame to wait so until the day we reunite, this is how we're going to live.

Is it hard? You bet it is

In the day time when you're busy working or doing what you need to do, you'll be fine but when it comes to night time? When you're alone? That's when it gets hard, wishing your partner was right by your side. Or when you're out shopping? You wish that they were right there shopping with you.
Many doubt the long distance but there are people who have succeeded with love this way. 

The way I look at it is, if you truly & sincerely love this person - no doubt you will climb mountains and swim the seas just to be with him/her. You would definitely take the risk of going long distance. But yes, you will have doubts in the beginning of the relationship. That's completely normal. But before you go further, how much do you trust the person you're in a long-distance relationship with? That is the IMPORTANT part in LONG DISTANCE. TRUST. If you're already second guessing, then you don't trust him/her.

Mentally prepare yourself for anything that could happen while in a long distance relationship. Preparing yourself doesn't mean you doubt anything. It just means you're prepared for anything that gets thrown at you & that way you know how to handle it.

If you're currently in a long distance relationship, we're in the same boat (except I'm married - but still the same) Keep at it though. Stay strong & never mind what people may say. Love hard & I wish you all the best!

If you're about to enter a long distance relationship - think it through. I've known some people who get into long distance relationships and then end up a total wreck when it doesn't go the way they had planned. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, I'm just giving advice. Remember all relationships should be built on trust, doesn't matter if it's long distance, same sex or what not, it's the same principal. But other than that - Love hard.

So in the end, it all comes down to... "Would you take the risk for love?"

- CJM.

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