Too much love for Social Media?

Saturday 26 November 2016

Oh I see many couples get hate about posting too much about how much they love their boyfriends/partner/husband etc... But when is it too much?

It's never too much! (my personal opinion though)

In fact I praise those couples who are still crazy in love with each other for years and don't have a care of what anyone says about it. It's when there's inappropriate PDA (Public Display of Affection) then that's when it's too far & those things should be kept in private. I mean I don't want my 2 year old exposed to that while we're grocery shopping.

But other than that, go CRAZY! You want to express your feelings about your significant other on social media. GO FOR GOLD! You want to take silly photos and post them up, GO AHEAD! I post about my husband probably more than I should (because apparently, we have a limit haha just kidding) but I don't care for any negative thing anyone says about it.

People live in the fear of what people will say?
But why should we let outsiders opinions of us matter?
We shouldn't. We should be able to express love the way we want to.

So if you received a few bad looks because you're simply showing affection to your partner in public, let them roll their eyes. Or if you've noticed people talking about your lovey dovey facebook status's, just keep posting more.

Do what makes you happy!
Love freely, Love hard & stay happy!


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