Why living positively helps with day to day living.

Friday 21 October 2016

Everyone at some point gets to that stage where they feel down about things, whether it's appearance or struggles we all face. We get to that stage where we hate ourselves or the world. But instead of focusing so much on the things that aren't working out or the things we're not happy with, why not substitute that mindset for a more grateful one. Why not wake up determined to get through the day instead of worrying about what's going on? Why not wake up grateful that your family is still there? or even that you woke up at all?

When you start changing your mindset and start looking at your blessings rather than your problems, you'll begin to see changes, in a way, where you are able to stress less on certain issues that were weighing you down before. Now, we're not going to talk depth in religion because this is a topic which always gets a lot of hate on BUT if you're not a firm believer in God, why not have an open mind to those who want to share their beliefs with you? I find that, my faith and learning about God and his son Jesus Christ plays a big part in why my attitude towards life, is the way it is. Why I have tackled down the hardest of trials and live to tell the story. I find that having a connection with the Spiritual side to things is what helped me maintain the positive attitude knowing there was a higher power who watches over me & protects me. I know there will be some people who will disagree with my point of view & I respect that. The main message I am trying to get out, is to think positive no matter how hard the situation is or how hard life is. Be open minded. Train your mind to see good in all things. Have faith & even if you're not a church go-er, just pray. You won't know the power of it, unless you try :)


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