A 'hopeful' conversation with a stranger

Tuesday 19 February 2019

I was waiting for my son to finish school and I had an interesting conversation with someone whom I've never really met until today. His daughter passed away and he expressed his feelings of hope and of comfort. I admired him for his courage to speak openly about it, after all - it is when you can openly talk about your feelings that you know, you are reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. But what he said next shows the importance of having a belief, he said:

"Lucky, I went to church back then and believe in God" 

This is what enabled him to mourn but to accept his loss and to keep moving forward and start the healing process. Not moving forward to forget but embrace the life his daughter would've wanted him to live. Having something that gives him hope to believe in, made it much easier to grieve. Even though he may shed a tear, here and there, he was able to feel comforted by having a belief. He then said that he had to be strong for the ones who are living, his other children and family.

I've been around people who don't believe in anything and when disaster strikes, they take it the hardest. I've also been around those who believe in something and when trouble hits, they just dust it off their shoulders.

Not trying to convert anyone but when you are hopeful, you will always find yourself out of the darkness. When you believe in something strongly, you will find that 'that belief', is what will help you push through your trials. Just know that you are loved by someone of a higher power, it may look easy to blame God for everything bad that happens your way, that you forget all that has been given to you that you have been blessed with.

It isn't a bad thing to believe in something many may make fun of, it isn't a bad thing to be hopeful, it isn't a bad thing either to have "Faith". But what those things can do to help you, is to heal, no matter how deep the wound may be.


Corina Jane (CJM)

Eyeliner-less Still Fabulous.

Sunday 17 February 2019

Eye liner makes a huge difference (I'm pictured without it) This would be one of them days where I just skipped the whole routine and just walked out as is. Except for the brows. I had to do the brows though (the only make up I applied) But greetings!

Because I started off talking about EYELINER and how much it does make a difference to your eyes when it's applied, I'm going to base this post upon it. When eyeliner is applied to your eyes, it accentuates your eyes and defines them, just like your eye brows do for your face. Without it, you will look like plain Jane (no offence to anyone named Jane - don't worry my middle name is Jane) In other words, it'll make your eyes POP! Not literally pop out of your head or explode but it will make your eyes stand out more.

How does this make up product have anything to do with this post? Easy.  Be like an eye liner and stand out and define YOU. When you use this product, you carefully apply and though it may take time to get it even with the other eye, or even make many mistakes in the process of applying - in the end, with practice makes perfect. Just like ourselves.

We are a BLANK CANVAS. We shouldn't be afraid to do what it takes to make a mark in this life. We have to be BOLD. We will make mistakes but no one ever has gotten successful without failing no matter how long it took.

Like we use Eyeliner to make a mark and a statement with our eyes. Use your gifts, talents and personality to make a mark in your life and bless the lives of others.


Corina Jane (CJM)

Please note: In no way, shape or form, am I enforcing the use of make up to anyone who doesn't wish to wear it. That is up to you. Be confident in yourself, in whatever you choose to do. Please also note that this post is to encourage everyone to be bold while using the example of an eye liner. 

Breaking up with B.C

Friday 15 February 2019

Yesterday evening, I went along with my husband to his Youth night because he's one of the leaders. It was GAMES NIGHT for his class. One of the games played was one called "HEARING THINGS".  How is this played? One player puts on the earphones which only plays distracting noises and cancels out any noise from the outside. The other player, has a deck of cards which he reads from. The player with the head phones has to guess what the other is saying while the distracting noise plays from the earphones. The one reading the card CANNOT use actions, so if you have a talent of 'lip reading' - THIS IS THE GAME FOR YOU. The team in play has until the timer on the earphone goes off to guess correctly as many cards as they can before they turn it over to the next team to have a turn.

As this game was being played, it reminded me of how "COMMUNICATION" plays a big part in our lives. If we can't communicate with each other, we can't progress individually, professionally or even as a race - the human race. If we are to put earphones on and try to guess what someone is saying over the distracting noises, chances are you are going to FAIL. But if we were to put the earphones down, we will be able to communicate well with the other person and will be able to understand them a bit better.

No one is a mind reader (I mean, unless you have telepathic skills) We sometimes tend to assume alot of what others may need or want without actually approaching them and verbally asking them. We also tend to hold a lot inside and somehow expect the other person to know how we are feeling. This is an example of not having a good communication line. You cannot know what someone else may want or need unless you communicate with them. Someone cannot know how you feel unless you communicate with them. It is what connects us and allows us to know in what ways we can help or what to do.

Make everything as clear as you can. If you don't like how you're being treated, speak up. If you're getting the hint that someone is interested in you but you aren't interested in him/her, tell them straight (not in a rude, offensive way though) If you would like help, let your guard down and ask someone. If your spouse is not satisfying you in the bedroom, let them know of what you enjoy or what could spice it up (don't hold back - they are meant to know - just be careful with what you say and don't be selfish, always return the favour) If there is something you want to say, say it.

We often lose our friendships, relationships, families and even ourselves when we don't communicate well with each other.

Don't assume. Make everything as clear as you can. Take the time to listen. Reach out when you need it. Speak up and choose your words wisely.

With love,

Corina Jane (CJM)

P.S "Breaking up with B.C" = Bad Communication


Thursday 14 February 2019

For Valentines Day this year, I spent the day hiking with my husband and made it to the top of the big gigantic rock which over looks everything. He took this shot of me but now that I look at it, it looks like I'm preparing for a dive, hence "Be prepared to catch yourself"

I felt inspired by this shot, only because it is a great reminder on how you have to remember to have yourself on 'check'. You have to be mentally, emotionally and physically ready and in the right state of mind to handle what life may throw at you.

You can do this by taking some time out for yourself. Reflecting on where you are in life and where you want to be and how you are going to get there. Look into things in your life you may want to consider. Be honest with yourself. B R E A T H E.

If you are in a relationship/marriage, it is understandable that you may rely on your significant other most of the time but also have a little time out for yourself to be self-reliant. It doesn't mean that you don't need the other person, it just shows that you also have that ability to be able to catch yourself too.

We can't control the challenges we may face individually but we can control how we react to it.

- Always be prepared to catch yourself.


Corina Jane (CJM)