If you have it, enjoy it. If you love it then share it.

Saturday 20 April 2019

Many people have asked me when I was going to teach again? dance again? perform again? be on stage again? Many have also asked if I was returning to it?

Truth is.
I've wanted to for a long time but as I grew older, performing was no longer a huge part of me as it used to be. Did I miss it? Yes, of course. But other areas in life start blooming and it required changes. But I knew I had talent and I very much wanted to share it with everyone. Then, an opportunity came around.

In my mind, were 2 questions. 1st was: "Do I have time for it?" and the next: "Can I commit to it?"

I've always wanted to help people in any way I can and this opportunity, I would be sharing my talent to bless the lives of others which is stated in my Patriarchal Blessing as well as helping people lose weight. So I accepted and thus became a dance instructor 4 days a week for free. I don't believe in charging people. God gave me this talent for free, I should also share it for free.

I've been doing this for a week now and I have noticed a change in myself physically. I have also had great feedback from the beautiful people that I am teaching. Their determination is what drives me. I mean, it's easy for people to just stop and give up but doing this for them and for myself with them, strives me to do the best I can every session.

There are many fields of interest that I would like to study as well as hold as an employment but I think what I'm doing now, is what I enjoy most. It's true what they say, you have to DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

For me?
I love dance and I love helping people.