They're attracted to me

Monday 14 October 2019


"They come around like honey, cause I'm fly like a bee. Man I got 'em all buzzin', buzzin', buzzin', buzzin'. Da da da da da da da. Man I got the  world buzzin'.." - Buzzin' by Mann 

The current song on my playlist as I'm writing this.

In my recent post. I talked about being an empath. I sense people's energy and their vibe, which lets me know of their intentions towards me. Of course, I don't judge them based on it but it does help me keep my guard up and be ahead of things if it were to come crashing down.

I'm not sure if you are aware but the people you surround yourself with can also influence you, good ways and bad. Sometimes, you don't even recognise it at first. If someone likes to gossip, you will often find them socialising with others that like to gossip. If someone is all about business, you will often find them associating with those of the same mindset. If someone is optimistic, you will often find them surrounded by positive people. The same with a pessimist.

So who do you attract?

Think about it honestly.

What to do if you attract the wrong kind of people?

Check yourself. 

The energy you put out there is the same as the one you receive.

I've always believed that we are here to learn and grow. Part of that process is to be surrounded by those that can uplift you to higher places and even if at times you find yourself with the wrong crowd, there is always room for improvement. It's never too late.


The hell with everybody

Wednesday 9 October 2019

The hell with everybody!

I bet the title is enough to make you wonder what had happened? Well nothing really happened. I just remembered a piece of advice my mom gave me that I use to this day and quite frankly, I am absolutely grateful for it because I’ve used it in every stage of my life. (I do apologise if the word "hell" being used this way is offensive to anyone, feel free to replace it with "heck") 

I haven’t written in a while and the reason being is because I needed a little break from everything to refocus. In between family life and my own personal goals and ambitions, my mind was a little full on. I needed to find balance again. It is quite easy to be distracted. So I took time off from everything and I made this decision after the Dance Festival where I had the opportunity to overlook the performances for this event. From everything, I mean once I got released as the Primary Counsellor, it was time for me to use this time to take a step back completely. In this time, I re-evaluated so much, this included the people I associated with, where my time was put, me as an individual and those around me. I started to distance myself from people for a reason. Being an empath, I tend to feel energy and vibes so strongly and usually absorb their energy which does exhaust me physically. After sorting out the social aspects to it, it moved to the personal goals and ambitions to habits and family and yes, this decluttering process should’ve been done earlier. But there is a time for everything. 

That’s when I remembered my mother’s advice (her actual words): “The hell with everybody” and there are times in life, you need to just say to yourself: “The hell with everybody and everything” and take a step back and D E C L U T T E R. 

My declutter process took me to Sydney. It was a great chance to see my father for Father's Day since he lives interstate. I left with my son and husband for the weekend. It was a birthday present from my two main guys for me. We stayed in a hotel, got room service and went exploring the main tourist attractions and spent time together with my dad.

A part of me, I had missed was being adventurous. I've always had it in me but as you journey through different stages in life, you have responsibilities and priorities which take over other parts of your life. Taking a step back allowed me to re-discover myself, take risks and live a little. I gave so much to others, I never realised how much of me personally was vanishing. I'm still currently in this 'declutter process' and have come to find peace. Alot of that has to do with getting more personal with Jesus Christ and learning about his life and what he endured and how similar his trials were to what we experience in daily life. 

It's okay to leave everything on PAUSE. It's okay to declutter. It's okay to distant yourself from everything and everyone to re-focus. Don't ever feel guilty for taking a breather. You deserve a moment to yourself. Value your peace, protect it and do whatever is necessary to keep YOU close to YOU. 

"The hell with everybody and everything" 

- CJM