Continuously Working On It.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

For years, I have wondered about doing something in particular. I got so excited about it, I couldn't really sleep because I was up thinking about it & how I was going to start it. I had already found my inspiration, my muse and all that was needed was time & to continuously stay motivated. The middle of last year, I had officially started it. There were days where I slacked off but then there were days that ideas just kept flowing. Right up to this year, I am still in the process of creating something that to me, I will be very pleased with once it has been completed.

It is hard. Very hard. But once I had shared what I have started to create already with someone close to me, I didn't think of how emotional this project really is & will be once it is finished. I hope to accomplish this goal by the end of the year but I guess time, dedication & funds will play a big part in it's success. I can't wait to share it with everybody but in the meantime, I will keep everyone guessing ;)


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