Love her inside and out.

Sunday 12 May 2019

First, a massive HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all mothers especially my own mama! The example in my life, the Ghandi and "DR PHIL" within our family. In celebration of Mother's Day, I reflected on my own personal journey as a mother. It has been quite a journey as I'm sure many can relate but as I journeyed through, I've noticed quite alot of mothers who tend to feel overworked, under appreciated, stressed, tired and unhappy. I want to say something to you that may be feeling this way....

It's okay to NOT have everything done in 1 day. It's also okay TO TAKE A BIT OF A BREAK during your day to hit the gym, have a bar of chocolate or watch your favourite show. 

Finding balance is the key. If you are tired, stop. Breathe. Count to 3. Resume. If you get frustrated, drop what you're doing and move onto something else and come back to it later. In this world, we have this whole routine as if we have no other days to finish our laundry or dishes etc.

Not only are you the glue that holds your family together but if you are not taking care of yourself and loving yourself more, it'll be only a matter of time before it will all fall apart. Loving yourself more is giving you time to do what you enjoy, what you love, what calms you and settles you. It's taking time out from a busy schedule to zone out and breathe.

My husband and son know that I love to go to nature parks because to me, it's peaceful. It's a way for me to self reflect and to unwind and relax and today, they took me there for Mother's Day knowing that I love to do this before I start my week. This is all I need and I'm grateful that they gave 'me' that time.

You are a wonderful woman with abilities like no other. Nobody can love a child or family as a mother does. Nobody can ever replace the role of a mother. Nobody can take care of business the way a mother does. You are needed in this life but your soul and your body also needs your attention.

Love "her" inside and out. Meaning, the YOU as a mother, the YOU as a daughter of God, the YOU as an individual, the YOU as a woman.

You owe it to yourself.


- Love Corina Jane (CJM)

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