What to do with a guy?

Tuesday 17 July 2018

I'm not a shy type of girl. I don't find it hard making friends with the opposite sex or even starting a conversation with a male. I do, however, usually wait a while before I go ahead because in that space of time, it gives me a little insight on how to approach him. Don't get me wrong, there are times that I hesitate but it all comes down to confidence. My mom was like: "No boyfriend til after you finish school" But then I had this 1 boyfriend when I was 15 and it didn't even last cause I dumped him because I was more concerned with school and dance. After graduating school all the way until I got married, I dated many different types of guys. 4 of those relationships I took seriously and the 4th had me locked down. Through each of them, I've learned something that made me better and wiser. So I write this post particularly for the girls who are quite the shy kind, don't know what to do when it comes to a guy and also who lack the self love. Keep in mind, before you go chasing a guy make sure you  LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. That is the most important piece of advice I can offer you and that's the trick to being unforgettable. But keep reading.....


Confidence isn't knowing that you are better than everyone else. Confidence is believing in yourself that whether it works out or it doesn't, you know how to handle yourself and stand strong and be happy with either outcome. Confidence comes from within. It's how you think about yourself. How you view yourself as a whole and what you honestly think about yourself. If everything you think of and view about yourself is positive, then you are on your way to CONFIDENCE. You are beautiful.


Beauty shouldn't be the only thing that attracts the opposite sex but it does feel good to see yourself looking good. If you are happy with your appearance, along with how you feel inside, you will have a light or a glow coming from you that can blind someone. But take good care of yourself. If you like that natural glow, then stay away from make up but if by chance you like to enhance your features, try a little make up here and there, you don't have to CAKE IT ON like crazy but go with what you are comfortable with. Even, change your hair colour or hairstyle if you want to. There are many Youtube Beauty Gurus that offer great advice and even tutorials. My personal favourite is Carli Bybel - here's her link: https://www.youtube.com/user/CarliBel55/featured


Find styles that you're keen to try and have a go. You will never know what clothes work for you unless you try them out. They don't even have to branded clothing, if you're looking for something affordable. Look for something that caters for your body shape. If you are slightly overweight and this is an issue for you, then look for something that is a little loose fitting. If you have short legs like me, then look for dresses or skirts a little shorter, so you can still see that you do have legs (Yes, that's why I never wear long skirts or dresses because my legs disappear) Remember the key is to LOVE YOURSELF first and feeling good about YOU will help with your confidence. Get to know your body, your body shape and tones that work for your skin colour also.


I am literally saying this title in the voice of the lady in the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2" But I don't know about you but legs and underarms are not the only parts to be shaved or waxed (hahaha) I mean, it's up to you how you rock your lady garden but I do recommend to prune your garden with a trim or go Brazilian. Make it look pretty. It doesn't even have to be for a guy. I mean even bedazzling your Vajayjay can make you feel good.


Guys actually love to have a good laugh and he'll be fixated on you if you can make him laugh. Who doesn't like to laugh? Laughing is the best medicine and if in return you're laughing too that is a win win situation. Seeing him laugh will encourage you more to do so.


I love giving compliments and it feels good to also receive compliments too. But compliment him. Compliment his eyes, his hair, his smile and his personality. A compliment goes a long way and when he hears that you like his laugh, his jokes and all the above etc - it gives him a confidence boost. This will also make him smile, it may even make him shy away or blush. Nothing good than an ego boost, trust me - I think it's a guy thing but just like how we like to hear how good we look, I guess the same thing applies to them (even when they lowkey be like ewww, really they love it)


Yes, if football isn't your thing but the guy you're interested in is such a big fan of it? It certainly does help to learn about the sport or even remember what team he supports. If he's more a gamer, pay attention to the games he's interested in. If you take interest in what he likes and enjoys, he'll see he has your support and interest at heart.


You don't have to wear skimpy outfits to get him to wonder what you look like underneath. What you do need to do is find out your strengths and use it. So, for me - my people skills are an asset for me, so I use that skill to connect to people including those of the opposite sex. My talents are an asset for me, so I use that skill to show and teach others how to dance and perform etc and so on. So find out what your assets are and use that to get you an upper hand. Show him. Some guys actually love a girl that's inspiring and smart and you will set yourself apart from the Kim Kardashians in the world. Not only does this make you unique but it helps you discover yourself and what you are capable of doing.


I haven't experienced this BUT I've seen it. You are not going to be everyone's cup of tea. Things may not go the way you had planned and you have to prepare yourself for this. So many girls forget that and therefore get absolutely upset when a guy isn't as interested in them as they thought. When you've worked on your confidence, handling rejection will be a piece of cake. But please don't think every guy wants you, when you think like that, you set yourself up for failure - not every guy has the same taste in girls. If by any chance you get rejected or friend zoned, pick yourself up and remember that, that he is only 1 guy in 1 billion guys in the world, there's many more out there to try haha.


Don't forget to have fun and be flirtatious, even if you think you look ridiculous. Being fun and flirtatious can show how much of a fun person you are to be around.

You've reached the end.
Please remember to LOVE YOURSELF FIRST and if you see the guy isn't getting the hint or just isn't interested, move on. Some guys don't even know what's right in front of them and in the process, you've learned to build your confidence. Either way, you're winning!

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