The lesson after breaking a heart.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

I was turning 19 when I made an older guy cry. He was in his early 20's. He met me at work. He took me out on dates etc he was really nice. He was starting to fall for me quickly and I thought I was to but at that age, you really don't know what you want. But I decided to give him a chance anyway. Later on, another guy liked me too and I worked with him. I spent more hours with the guy at work because we work together than the older guy. Before you know it, I was torn between two. I didn't know what I was going to tell the older guy, so I never texted him back or answered his calls and I kept making excuses as to why I couldn't meet with him. I didn't know how to handle the situation. I didn't want to hurt him (I know right? such an inexperienced mentality). I assumed that my delayed response would show him that I was no longer interested and he would just move on but I was wrong. He found out about the other guy who liked me on good old Bebo and saw that he worked with me and he called me. I picked up the phone and he was in tears. THAT DAY WAS THE DAY I FELT THE PAIN OF BREAKING SOMEONE'S HEART.  I felt sooooo bad and continuously apologised for the way I acted but he understood that I was in the age bracket of someone who was still learning on how to handle feelings. I didn't expect him to fall deeply for me. But since this experience, I never wanted to be the one to break someone's heart again and I haven't to this day and I don't plan to either. I'm grateful for that realisation because it made me much more aware of how I was handling someone else's heart. The moral? No matter how hard something is to do, like exhibit A (telling the other older guy what was going on) if it should be done, do it. Don't spare the other person's feelings because really you'll be hurting him more by not telling him at all. If you care enough for someone, you have to let them know how you feel even if it is difficult. They have a right to know.


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