Home & Away

Saturday 13 October 2018

H i.

I'll admit it that I kinda slacked off a little with blogging. So much has actually happened in between and to be honest, my mind was literally E V E R Y W H E R E. I was too crowded in thought to actually know what to write about. My mind was about to explode with everything that was happening around me, I honestly had to detach for a little while to handle life and come back when it all settles down.

Has everything settled down a bit? Not really. But I need to make an effort to write. The past couple of months I should say has been quite a rollercoaster ride, the one that goes up and down and just tornadoes through. In the beginning of August, we went through a loss but leading towards my birthday, August was going to be memorable for all the right reasons. I was endowed and entered into the temple for the first time ever! Also, had a seafood buffet waiting at home for me. In September, we received some life changing news and as we heading towards our wedding anniversary, September was going to be another milestone worth celebrating. A day before our wedding anniversary, my family and I were sealed in the temple for all time and eternity. Then our Wedding Anniversary on the 16th followed. My husband and I have now been married for 2 years.

I made new friends.
Such amazing people who inspire me daily.

Now fast forward to October 13. Which is today and yet there is another part of our journey to come.  Besides that, the weather has been crazy! We are supposedly in "Spring" but it kind of feels like winter with a mix of our usual summer storms. Til next time.

- Corina Jane

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