Brisbane to Samoa

Wednesday 31 October 2018

I write this post 3,916 km away from where I call home. We had busy couple of weeks and on the last week, we had a house inspection on Friday, a stake dance Friday night, a ward service project Saturday morning and a flight to catch Saturday night. When I say "we" I refer to myself, my son, my husband and my mom. We landed in the island of Samoa on Sunday morning at 4:45am (we were apparently really early since it was meant to land at 5:15am)

This would be the 3rd year I have travelled in a row and each time has been for a purpose. Hence why the caption in the picture says: "Never to Vacate, Always to Educate" When visiting Samoa, I've never really looked at it as a vacation. I've always wanted to find ways to better the living situations of my family and my husband's family there. Being here in Samoa has educated me in a way where it constantly reminds me to be humble. It always has a way of making sure I will always serve others where I can and to know that there are others who have it more worse than I, so I will always be mindful of how I live my life. But that's just me. I always want to find and do things that will educate me, remind me and uplift me based on my own findings, research and materials. Yup, I'm an autodidactic (someone self taught) I don't rely on what others tell me, I want to go experience it for myself, live it and learn from it.

In the time I have spent here, the heat is one thing I did complain about at one stage but then again, I thought: "I have only spent a couple of days in this heat with no air conditioning or ceiling fans but they have to endure this every day, all year round without the luxury I have at home" With this mindset, it has allowed me to look at every thing from a different perspective.

I'm only into Wednesday, we leave on Saturday but I will run down on most things in my next post! 

- Lots of love, hugs and kisses.

Corina Jane

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