SHH! Let me speak.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

I'm an advocate for any ANTI BULLYING campaign there is. I honestly think there is no place for such behaviour in our existence. In recent statistics, 3,128 people have died in 2017 from intentional self harm, otherwise known as 'suicide' in Australia. It has risen 9.1% from the previous year (2016). I'm a mother, I've seen another mother grieve over the loss of her child taking her own life. I'm a sister, I've seen a brother grieve over the loss of his sibling who took his own life. And over the years, the numbers keep rising.

An experience I've gone through has definitely made me so much more aware at how certain events that could take place in a child's early life can truly impact the rest of his life. In a confrontation that took place, the actions of another seemed to pass off as a 'small and innocent, non malicious' act, however due to the other child's feelings of being violated, it seemed as if it were pushed aside as ''nothing''. Yet I had to firmly explain to the adult that was present that, these little actions that are often overlooked as 'non malicious' or 'child's play' is the reason bullying takes place. For an environment to be able to be safe, it needs more people to be aware of how 'bullying' starts. The things they may neglect and fail to observe may be the reason a child will continue to be a victim to bullying and in this, have already failed to provide a safe environment. Don't protect the bully, protect the victim/s. Like I stated before, I'm an advocate for ANTI BULLYING. 

If the small, inappropriate acts of another isn't taken care of, corrected and straightened out with consequences, just like a virus - it will spread and as a virus takes over, just like the behaviour of a bully until he has taken a victim and that victim is dead. Starts off little, yet small enough to destroy.

Don't be the reason bullying continues, be the reason it stops. 


Corina Jane (CJM)


Friday 8 March 2019


A celebration for all women in honour for all that they stand for. I celebrate her, my mother.
She is the reason I am here today. The reason I believe in fighting for what I believe in. The person who inspired me to always be the best person I can be.
Thank you mom! I love you x  

Dan, the South African Man

Thursday 7 March 2019

Tuesday afternoon, I picked my son up from school earlier than usual and headed straight to the hospital for my dad's appointment. I had ONLY just sat down when a elderly man, 76 years old to be exact had sparked up a conversation with me. He had asked where I was from and I told him I was of Polynesian descent but I was raised here in Australia. He then began to compliment the island people as being "big" not as in weight but as in stature and watching them play rugby is very entertaining for him. In return I had asked him of his heritage and he wanted me to guess. Taking a rough estimate, I would say this old chap would be Italian or Greek but I was in fact incorrect. He is of German and Indian descent due to his grandparents but he is South African.

As our conversation went from guessing nationalities to sport, it then went into a history lesson for myself. He is a survivor from the time South Africa was taken over by the white people. Though he is of a tan complexion, it is visible to the eye that he is of mixed race and therefore treated as the 'blacks' were treated. He began to elaborate more on the stories of his childhood being raised in South Africa and it got me thinking of how blessed I am, that I never had to endure the pain and suffering as this man did. I told him that though I never had to experience the life of survival, I could only imagine how it would've been like and I had applauded him on the strength that he had that has made it possible for him to survive this far.

Towards the end of our conversation, he asked for my name. So I gave it and then thanked me for giving him the time. But little did he know that it was I who was grateful for the opportunity to hear a survival story that has not only made me grateful and blessed to grow up the way I did but also to gain more wisdom from someone who has lived in a time where 'freedom' wasn't an option.


Corina Jane (CJM)


Monday 4 March 2019

Hi Everyone! If you have just joined us, welcome!  I'll quickly introduce myself - I'm Corina Jane. I'm the face behind "DAILY PIECE OF SUNSHINE" . I've been blogging since I was 19 years old. Back then I would write alot about my experiences being on stage and acting and sharing advice on that subject. Through the years, I've slowly moved into the direction of positive living in requests of many who have come to me to seek personal advice on matters they wish to understand. Daily Piece of Sunshine has featured many everyday people whom I have written about, sharing their talents and ambitions with everyone around the world in hopes it may inspire others from all walks of life. This has always been the sole purpose of this blog. I am happy to share with everyone that I have been currently working on a new segment, a new piece that will be featured in "DAILY PIECE OF SUNSHINE" that will be coming soon so STAY TUNED!!! Thank you to everyone who takes a moment to read and I appreciate the feedback I have received. I thank God above for all I have been given to always be inspired by those around me.

With love,

Corina Jane (CJM)