The reason behind my PINK HAIR.

Sunday 21 June 2020

April this year, I decided to colour my hair to PINK. The last time my hair went pink was back in 2012. Why the bold, bright colour? Besides the fact that it is my favourite colour, it means something special to me. It's a reminder to make a statement. I usually do this before I do something big or overcoming something that was a difficult challenge for me. 
It's a warm colour, reminding myself to be loving towards myself and towards others. 
It's bright, reminding myself to continue to be a radiant light to others and to myself. 
It's bold, reminding myself to be courageous, fearful & inspiring. 

I've always been true to myself and was always given freedom to express myself and for that I am truly grateful. A warm heart, smile & presence goes a long way. 

If you want to make a statement - do it for yourself. Not in fear of others. Not for others. But solely for yourself. This doesn't mean necessarily to dye your hair or to do something drastic or dangerous but to find something that could inspire, motivate or encourage you to stay strong. Find what works for you.

- CJM 

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