ABS-olutely loving myself a little harder.

Monday 26 October 2020

 My 6 year old son walked in while I was training and first thing he said was: "Oh mom, you're getting ABS!" and he was so excited! He definitely is my hype man. 

4 months ago, I was in search of something that will get the adrenaline going & would excite me to a whole new level & I did when I enrolled into a fitness academy which specialises in Pole & Aerial. In the beginning of this year, I was committed to adding another skill under my belt & this is one of those skills that I needed to try. 

Pole Dancing? Most people would associate this physical activity with a 'Stripper'. However on the other side of this type of exercise, there is also an opportunity to compete in the championship if you wish to take this skill further. 

At first, as a dancer myself, I knew there are more skills I need to learn to be at a level that I aim to be but let me tell you now - Pole dancing is hard BUT it is achievable. This type of fitness, in my experience will have you using muscles you never knew you had & stretching every part of you. In my eyes, it will take years of training to master at a professional level. 

In my 4 months of attending Gravity Fitness Academy, I have used my upper body strength more than I ever did in my life. I have never seen my body work this hard to be able to lift my body weight up off the ground just by using my arms & core muscles. But through the pain, the tears & the bruises (yes - bruising does happen) I have been seeing results physically & I have been enjoying it. It has also been known that this exercise can & will boost your self esteem once you tackle down some of the tricks and skills, you thought you could never do. 

Any tips? 

Yes, in the months of doing this exercise. I do have some pointers so keep reading. 

1. ALWAYS GO TO A STUDIO FIRST!  (NEVER do this at home for the first time, please find a studio & attend classes with an instructor first. They are trained to give you the proper run down on how to properly execute tricks & skills to avoid damage & injury) 

2. It never looks sexy at first but as you begin to master the tricks & skills, sexiness will follow. 

3. There is no weight limit. Any body shape & size is able to do this type of fitness. 

4. Pace yourself. Some of the skills taught may require many weeks to get right, so don't be disheartened when it takes longer. 

5. Less clothes, the better. The main reason for this, is that you need your skin to grip the pole. Wearing long clothes may cause you to slide off (Hence the attire I wear) 

6. Never moisturise before class. 

7. Expect metal burns & bruising. 

8. POINT YOUR TOES. This makes any pose on the pole look elegant. 

9. Pole Dancing is addictive. You will also feel like trying it on a street pole. I have haha! 

10. Have fun, stay determined, positive & DON'T QUIT. 

I hope these tips can help you in any way. This year, I'm loving myself a little harder. How about you? 

- CJM x 

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