I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts - LION KING

Friday 25 May 2018

I remember when someone once called me a "Coconut" in an attempt to throw the racial card at me hoping that I would retaliate but I don't respond to ignorance. If only I could send this person this picture of me, a 'coconut' sipping on a coconut in the land where coconuts grow haha. But I'm writing about knowing which battles to fight.

There's no doubt that the world is filled with all types of people. Though we wish for this world to only consist of good, kindhearted people, in reality it's far from that. But even when you come across people who tend to stir the pot, you need to know where to invest your energy and where it isn't necessary. I've come across people who tend to make other people's problems, theirs. I've watched them wither away in despair, handling something beyond their control. In this case, it was already a losing battle because it wasn't their fight. They've already lost themselves trying to fix someone else's problem. I've also come across people who tend to fight but in the end, it could've been resolved if they had approached the matter in a different way. In both scenarios, if they had known which battles to fight and know when to do so, they probably would've saved themselves, the heartache, the anger etc. I'm not saying in anyway, that we can't help people but we must know when to back down or find another way, when it's affecting us and our mentality or when to simply ignore stupidity (just like I did with the coconut guy)

Everyone has a problem but in some cases, those problems cannot be solved by others but by the one who owns the problem. Not everyone will approach you in a daisy dainty way, so it would be a good idea to learn the art of blocking out ignorance. How you respond says alot about you. Invest your energy on building a better you and the environment around you and not losing yourself to others or even to yourself.

- Corina Jane

Paint me in.

Thursday 24 May 2018

Pink. My favourite colour (you can probably tell when I dyed my hair pink) The colour PINK not only represents love but also romance and charm. But the colour of my hair or what my favourite colour is not what this blog is about entirely.

Did you know that if you look at the world as your canvas, you can basically paint it in any colour or design you want? Not literally but in a figurative way, you can. I don't necessarily have to write blogs but I enjoy letting the world get a glimpse of my world. Since I started writing again, it's actually inspired me more on this project I'm working on. With each post, you will get to know me a little more. Having "Blogger" under my belt may not seem much but it actually adds more to my life timeline. I can say that I decided to start an Online Blog writing about all sorts of things that matter to me and though I haven't monetised this yet, it still something I'm 'doing' instead of wondering what to do. I've already started adding more to my canvas even if it's as small as 'writing'.

How you approach life, is how life will react to you. So once you start looking at life as a blank canvas awaiting for your hand in creating the best art you can, you will then start to see all the colours in your palette waiting to be used. The best part? Just like art, you are bound to make errors but that's just it - ART IS MESSY and life can be messy too but with both you can still create a priceless piece of art with each stroke and each colour and it all tells a story. YOUR STORY.

Life is your BLANK CANVAS, what masterpiece will you create?

- Corina Jane

I did it, you can too.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

I live for this boy.  Our journey is something that drives me everyday and so I dedicate this post to the SINGLE MOTHERS.  

I've been there in your position and I was raised by a single mother myself, so believe me when I say that I know first hand, as the child of a single mother and as a single mother (before I got married). No one wants to be a single mama but in some circumstances, you have no choice but to be one. And that's when you find the strength in you that was buried underneath the surface. Nothing will seem more important than doing what is necessary for the little human that sees the world in you. You will throw away anything that doesn't serve you purpose because on the top of your priority list is your child. You will have days of tears. Yes. And it can be hard. Yes. But try to focus less on the problems and more on enjoying the days you have together with your child. Don't let them see or feel your sadness. My mother did a good job not letting us see but I thank her for that because I know that if I had been exposed to that at a very young age, mentally I would be scarred and it will affect me as I grew up. Remember that a strong woman is built. I always have people asking me how I became so strong? I'm thinking: "Have you met my mother?" haha. But yes, a strong woman is built. This happens over time by the challenges she faces and overcome, by the sacrifices she has made and will make, by the unconditional love that she has for her family and her dedication in her duty as a mother. She is YOU. You are a STRONG WOMAN. With or without a partner, you need to know this.

The world is a better place because of mothers in general but SINGLE MOTHERS, you have shown the world the extent of a mother's love to take upon yourselves, roles of both a mother and father. My mother has done this, I have done this and so have you too. Each challenge strengthens a person but this experience will not only strengthen you but build you as one of the strongest women in the world. Be proud of this opportunity. Never look at what you are missing but look at what you are fulfilling.

- Corina Jane

Can you VICKS me? Down with the FLU - Ah-choo! Bless you.

Sunday 20 May 2018

I don't know about you? But sometimes I get the flu and it'll be in the middle of Summer and now I actually do have it in the appropriate season (since we're approaching Winter) and well... it sucks haha! But this morning, I woke up with no voice (my husband probably loves it because I'm not asking a gazillion of questions haha kidding!) and the last couple of days I was burning up (no, my roof wasn't on fire haha but my temperature was)

But other than that, I can still find things to be grateful for. Even though I'm over the runny nose, I'm still grateful I can smell. Even though I'm over the coughs, I'm still grateful for my respiratory system. Even though I'm over the body aches, I'm still grateful I actually have a 'body' and though I'm over the fevers, I'm still grateful to be alive. There is always something to be grateful for even when your situation isn't very ideal like being sick but I'm also thankful for a wonderful husband who attends to my every need and a son that prays for your wellbeing. I'm truly blessed.

But not only can we be physically sick, you can also be spiritually sick too. Something, I know too well because I've been there but where I am now, I can honestly say, I'm in a better position than I was before. Back then, I only attended church once in a year and though my Faith was there, I did get led away and made some bad choices which led me onto a different path (nothing too drastic). Looking at that experience, my soul was in desperate need of something. It wasn't until I became a mother that my choices started to change and so did my mindset, I wanted to get myself back on track spiritually. I got married and step by step started that work towards being spiritually healed and like what medicine is to physical sickness, living the gospel of Jesus Christ is to spiritual sickness. In no way am I saying that I am perfect but I have definitely learned.

- Corina Jane

You're my handcuffs and I'm your prisoner.

Thursday 17 May 2018

What an odd title for a blog?
"You're my handcuffs and I'm your prisoner."

Look at my shirt. Can you see the stripes? Do you know that stripes were once used for prisoners?

Well there's one thing you can be sure of and it's that I'm not a criminal but I'm more so aiming at how we can be prisoners in our own selves and in our own minds. The handcuffs represents 'our thoughts'. Because our thoughts are what keeps us captive. Those negative thoughts. Negative thinking is what causes us to look for what is wrong to protect ourselves against danger. It is quite a dangerous strategy because it can lead us into depression. The longer we think this way, eventually it will become our reality. How do we overcome this way of thinking? Here are some ways: 

  • Be grateful - Instead of looking at what you don't have or haven't accomplished yet, look at what you have right here and right now. 
  • Talk to someone - Being alone is probably not the best way to be when you are constantly thinking negative. Sometimes it does help to talk to someone, get a fresh perspective. 
  • Think of the positive - It may seem too far fetch when you're in a different headspace but thinking positive, will help lesson the blow of what is going on. 
  • You can't control everything - Whether you are willing to accept it or not, there are things that will happen in life that's out of your control that you can't stop but it's not the end of the world, there's always a way to deal, a way that won't lead you in a downward spiral. 
  • Breathing - Take a moment to calm down. Let your mind settle. Take a couple of minutes to focus on breathing. 
  • Be YOU - Learn to love you and embrace the delightful person you are. The more you see just how wonderful it is to know YOU and love YOU, the more you see that you have created a barrier in your mind to block out the negative thoughts about yourself.

Our thoughts are what controls us. If we start thinking less of ourselves, we will in reality, see ourselves worthless. If we replace those thoughts with praise and gratitude, we will begin to see ourselves and others in a different light. If we start our morning thinking about our problems, then we have already set the mood for the rest of the day.

So will you remain a prisoner?

- Corina Jane 

A bendable BODY. A bendable MIND.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Flexibility.  We usually know flexibility in a dancer, a gymnast, sports player etc but have you ever heard of your mind being flexible too? I came across this definition of Flexibility:

"Flexibility is the ability to adapt, to be willing to change, to be open, to bend and to respond with sensitivity."

We mainly focus on our bodies being flexible but so should our minds. When we are born, we are basically a blank canvas with an empty mind. We are taught and we learn things and go the way society leads. But as we grow up, we may still have that way of living and become so accustom to that, that we may look at everyone else who dresses, lives and makes choices that are different to what we think or do and in our minds, we have convinced ourselves that we're right and they're wrong. Try being accepting through differences. Having a flexible mind also allows you to take whatever negative situation you are in and look at it from a different perspective, a more open and positive perspective and instead of reacting to the situation in a downward light, you allow this to change you help you grow.

If you don't like what you are doing:

  • Try something new? 
  • Switch up your schedule? 
  • Explore other talents you may have? 
  • Do something you never pictured yourself doing?
  • How about finding a new hobby? 
  • Write a book?

Things you can do:
  • Stay away from expectations. 
  • Free yourself from thoughts of how things are supposed to be and enjoy just being alive. 
  • Keep in your mind, that things don't always go to plan. 
  • Don't be afraid to do something different. 
  • Be accepting of others who do things differently in your eyes.   
  • Let your mind be open. 

It doesn't matter if you're working on that summer body? or comfortable in your own skin? not only does your physical self need taking care of but so does your mind.

- Corina Jane 

My T-SHIRT knew my future husband

Monday 14 May 2018

9 years ago. I found this cheeky T-shirt online (the picture above) and then bought it and then took a picture in it. I never dated church guys (I don't really know why) I guess mainly because the guys I knew from church were whom I thought of as 'brothers' and I didn't really look at them as someone I'd date. I mean, that was my mortal self talking. For my soul, church guys were really beneficial for me but everything is such a blur. Anyways, I did go through a phase and did find myself liking 'church' guys. Sometimes, I found that guys who have no beliefs, well that's just it - they have nothing to live for or hope for. What is there, is there and that's it. And for myself, maybe my soul needed something more than that. It wasn't until 7 years later, I married a church guy (imagine the shock my family had haha) and since then I never looked back. He happens to be a Return Missionary. He does inspire me. If I had any questions or any thing related to gospel doctrine I wanted to understand, he is my 'go to' person. He's a great study partner and someone who reminds me of things that I may have forgotten or needed to hear at that exact time. I love the fact that he believes in something, that he has values and standards and that we share the same belief. Before, I never looked at a 'church guy' being on my 'to date' list but now being married to one, he is the 'must have' in my life, someone good for my soul. Haha I don't know where that shirt ended up but I wish I still had it.

- Corina Jane

The Lobster Story

Sunday 13 May 2018

Who loves seafood? I know I do. Well this post is not about how to cook seafood. I'm actually going to tell you a story about a certain LOBSTER

Once upon a time, there was a mother and her two children who went shopping for seafood. The market they had in mind was 20 minutes away. So they all got in the car and drove to their destination. A certain occasion was approaching, so the two children paid very close attention to what their mother would say at random and used that for inspiration on what to get for her for this special day. As they continued on their quest to find seafood, they heard their mother say that she felt like a Lobster (no she didn't mean she was literally feeling like a lobster haha) But that she felt like she wanted to eat a Lobster. But knowing this mother, she always put the needs of her family before her own, so she just looked at it and walked away.

(picture a bright light bulb above head like they have in cartoons) "Aha!" said the girl as she faced her brother and said: "Do you know what I'm thinking?" 
....No? replied the boy and then he asked: "What are you thinking?" The girl stated that maybe it would be a good idea to buy their mother a Lobster. Her brother agreed and then scheduled another day that both of them would go and buy her the Lobster. 

A couple of days later, the girl and her brother drove back to the fish market and went looking for a Lobster for their mother. Due to the busy occasion, looking for a Lobster wasn't as easy as they thought, most of them were gone. So they bought one of the few that was there. It was all they could find. They both walked away, not very pleased with the Lobster they bought and hoped that their mother would like it anyway.

On the special day, the two children presented their mother with the Lobster. The mother looked happy and thanked them both and showed her gratitude towards their act of kindness. But little did this mother know that the two children had wished they gave her a better looking Lobster.

The following year, the boy asked his sister what they should do for their mother for Mother's Day. The girl replied: "We will go and get her another Lobster." The girl had been thinking about the first Lobster they got for their mother ever since the day they bought it and she knew that they could do better. She wanted to correct it and get her mother the best. Her brother agreed and so they scheduled a day to go back to the Fish Market and inquire about a Lobster. They placed their order in and paid the full amount and the next day, they picked it up. This time, they walked away feeling very pleased with this Lobster.

Unaware of what she's about to receive, the mother was wondering why her children were being so secretive about their whereabouts, until her children returned home and presented her with...

Not 1 but 2 Fresh Live Lobsters. 

And explained the story behind their quest for Lobsters.

The moral of the story is -
Don't leave things to the last minute. Haha. No, the meaning is that if you fail the first time, there's always a next time to do better and when you get that chance, go and make it the best.

and yes, the boy and his sister in this story is my brother and I hahaha.

- Corina Jane

No Money. No Problem. Just give her your time. [MOTHER'S DAY IDEAS]

Saturday 12 May 2018

Everybody wishes to be a millionaire so they could buy the world for their moms! But if you're looking at a more sentimental way of doing something for your mama this Mother's Day and you're in desperate need of ideas and maybe your account balance is looking a bit hungry (haha we've all been there) Well here are some simple but meaningful things you can do for your number 1! 

1. Make breakfast - This is pretty popular. But if you have eggs, milk, bread, pinch of salt - make her some french toast. If you have ingredients for pancakes, flip some pancakes for her. Or cook her something you know she loves to eat. I know she will appreciate the effort you went through to provide her with a meal in the morning. 

2. Write a poem - Shakespeare isn't the only one who can write some meaningful words. Try it out. Write her a poem. If you're stuck with some rhyming words, google it. But find a piece of paper, a pencil or pen and go for it.

3. Write her a letter - Many will say 'hand written letters' are so outdated but truth is, it is never out of style. In this day and age, emails and posts are easy to type up, it takes the emotion out of it. Hand written letters are meaningful. It takes effort. You can write her a letter of thanks and how much you appreciate her, whatever you wish to express. 

4.  Sing her favorite song to her - Serenading is not only used for romance. It can be used as a sweet gesture. It doesn't matter if you can sing or not? The main thing that she will look at, is how courageous you are and the thought of what you are doing. I mean what mother wouldn't want to hear her daughter/son sing?  Every mother does. 

5. Make a slideshow or video - Go through your photos, find some meaningful music and add them together. Voila! If you want to add an extra touch, add some meaningful words as text in your video. 

6. Watch a movie together at home - Find a genre she enjoys and put it on. If you have some snacks/pop corn at home, then bring it all out. Sometimes all she needs is company. YOUR company. 

7. Clean the house - If you're used to seeing her do all the house work, why not take some of the load off her shoulders? Mothers are used to doing so much, secretly they do wish for a helping hand at times. This would be a great gesture in showing her how much you appreciate her by also doing your part.  

8. Massage - Every mother would love a massage. But if you don't have the slightest clue on how to massage - get on to YOUTUBE and watch a beginners video (hehehe thank you for the internet) Mothers do alot of work in a household, spoil her with a little sweet escape. 

9. Bring out the board games - Quality time is all that a mother would want especially if she
is usually alone and everyone has moved on with their own lives. Whether it be Family Feud or Monopoly. Gather the family together and play. Hearing her children and family laugh is music to her ears. 

10. Actually have a 1 on 1 with her - Get to know your mother. Ask her questions about her upbringing or her memories. Let her share with you, stories that makes her, HER. Listen and take a moment to understand her and appreciate her and her journey that took her to where you are today. 

I hope that this has helped as an insight on something to do for your mother if you don't have the funds or ideas. Remember, money can't buy happiness. Simple little gestures, change the world for the better. She will love you no matter what you do or buy.

- Corina Jane 

Lets be lonely together!

Friday 11 May 2018

Title of this blog comes from Avicii's song "Lonely Together" featuring Rita Ora. (Rest in Peace Avicii) 

But loneliness. What is it? I know many people who have felt lonely, who are single and even in relationships. It's a feeling of isolation, depression, rejection or having no company. Most people do go through this feeling at some point in their life. Is it that we are longing for acceptance? or wanting to be loved? or even gotten used to being accepted and loved, that without it - we are lost?

I was once in a relationship where I did feel this type of emotion. I left the relationship and went looking for something more fulfilling and complete. But in that space of time that I was single. It left me alone with my own thoughts. I knew that if I were to feel lonely and let it fill my life with emptiness and sadness it was because I let this emotion control me. But I wasn't having any of that. I started to direct my focus on all things I was grateful for and that was my strength to feeling completely comfortable with being lonely. I was raised by a mother who made me completely aware of my own self worth and being able to be independent (I thank her so much for that) and being raised that way helped me stay focused and built up my wall alot thicker!

But loneliness, can be a good thing. That's if you know you can be comfortable with company or no company. I've used my experience of feeling this emotion in a relationship as a way of knowing what I don't want in the next relationship. So basically used it as a method of knowing who I want and don't want or how I don't want to make my significant other feel because I know what it felt like. I've also used it as a platform to my own personal growth.

If you are experiencing the feeling of loneliness, surround yourself around your families and friends. People who love you. But know that, only YOU can overcome this feeling. At the end of the day, people go home and go about their own lives. It is YOU that can either take this feeling and let it drown you in misery or strengthen you and make you 1000x better than the person you used to be.

- Corina Jane

If you need to seek professional help, please do. 

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Poops. Wees. Mommy & Me.

Thursday 10 May 2018

As a SAHM (Stay At Home Mom) You see many things in your life that makes you change your perspective of life altogether. Many would think SAHM are not contributing to society but the truth is - they are! They are at home raising the next generation, they are preparing the future as we speak.

As for me personally, having these years off, I have felt so accomplished. It isn't easy to birth a human, then have to start from scratch by feeding, teaching them how to eat, speak and use the bathroom, teaching them how to behave, groom and clean up after themselves, showing them how to do things all over again, teaching them to read, write and the importance of knowing values even showing them ways to deal with emotions and life's problems. It isn't only SAHM that go through this lifestyle, it's all mothers in general.

In celebration of MOTHER'S DAY this weekend, take this time to honour your mother whether she's a SAHM or a working mom, whether she was young when she entered motherhood or older, whether she is a single mother or not. All mothers are worth to be recognised and acknowledged for the work that they do.

- Corina Jane

What do you look for?

In someone you want to pursue, what do you look for? In a career, what do you look for? Choosing a movie to watch, what do you look for? In life's decisions, we would normally ask ourselves: "What should I do?" but maybe if we approached with: "What do I look for?" It may bring you closer  or narrow it down to the right decision you see fit.

In a partner, I would look for values, beliefs and sense of humour. (Who doesn't like to laugh?)
In a career, I would look for something I can learn and grow from, stable and something I enjoy.
Choosing a movie  to watch, I would look for something that can uplift me, make me laugh or get my mind working in problem solving.
In friendships, I would look for those I can inspire or who can inspire me. open minded, creative, has values, someone I can learn from, respectful and loyal.

Knowing 'what you look for' will tell you 'what you should do' which can give you an answer to 'what you need or want' in your life.

- Corina Jane