Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Meet Catherine Mahina Law!

Location: Australia

Catherine is a hardworking entrepreneur who recently launched her own business "Royalty Skin & Beauty" I have known this determined young lady for close to 10 years & over time, I've grown to see her succeeding in different aspects of life. This is her story that she wanted to share with us...

Catherine Mahina Law, 26 (March 1990), Cook island, Australian mixed. Graduated from Brisbane Adventist College 2007. On the side I am a Self- taught makeup artist for 9 years working alongside Blondie's Photography as a makeup artist and assistant photographer specializing in weddings. Career wise my first job was at McDonald's since then have worked for Telstra, Toyota, Mazda & Hyundai. Now I'm currently working full-time as a virtual receptionist.
Royalty Skin & Beauty was born in Nov 2016 after feeling uninspired, restless and not motivated with my current career choice. I have been made redundant twice and refuse to be a slave for someone else's dream any longer! I have gone around in circles and just went through life with a 'school - work' mindset and decided enough was enough and I created my own path.
My biggest inspiration is my mum & my 4 brothers. My mum raised me and my brothers as a single mum and never once used the 'single mum - woe is me' excuse. She was always working and educating herself and us kids. Now we are all grown up it is time to give back and retire my mum and ensure she lives a comfortable life. My mum worked too damn hard for me not to be a damn Boss Queen!
My advice for ANYONE out there; It is hard. You have to sacrifice your time, money, friends... everything. But what will drive you and motivate you is that stupid alarm at 6am as you drag yourself outta bed, it's checking the price tag before you buy anything, the Christmas presents you can't buy and everything else that you were taught at school but it all actually meant crap when you graduated. I would love to see less people getting turnt every weekend and more people working on achieving their dreams! Do you need a MBA? Pfft Nope! The most successful people were just normal everyday guys who tried and failed more times than they succeeded but when they persevered and they put in all the hard work at the start? In the end, they created an empire.
Exodus 20:4 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work..." Keyword? You need to put in the work, go out of your comfort zone and do all the laboring before you get that well-deserved rest. So stop wasting time and go out there and take control back of your QUEENDOM!

ROYALTY Skin & Beauty

I sell over 200 products, specializing in:
*Skin care, Anti-aging, Oral hygiene, Hair care, Health & wellbeing products and makeup. These are all:
🐰Cruelty Free
⚗Scientifically Backed

2017 will bring for ROYALTY:
Makeup 💄
Facials & specialist skincare appointments
I am also RECRUITING! Beauty ambassadors wanted! Email me or comment on any social media platforms!

Thank you, Catherine, for sharing with us your journey & encouraging us that we all need to put in the hard work to get to where we would like to be. If you wish to find out more visit her social media pages listed below; Instagram: @royaltyskinandbody
Snapchat: @royaltyglamfam
Facebook: @royaltyskinbym If you wish to share your journey with us on Daily Piece of Sunshine, feel free to email all inquiries to FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @dailypieceofsunshine for the latest updates. The aim is to spread positivity through our own personal journey and experiences. This could help motivate, inspire or encourage other people in a positive way who are going through something similar or just in need of a little push. We must work together in order to see a change. Have a great weekend & God bless. - CJM

Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Meet Jordan!

Location: Australia

Jordan is a very inspiring young man who is passionate about Muay Thai. From the time I've known him, he's always been a friendly individual who's very determined & works hard to get to where he is. He resides in Australia & was more than welcome to share his story with us at Daily Piece of Sunshine.

What's your name? Jordan Rolender

How old are you? 24 years old
When did you start Muay Thai? I started Muay Thai almost 3 years ago.
What inspired you to do this? I have always been fascinated with the sport and culture of Muay Thai and wanted to learn it myself. 
I see you've done some matches, could you tell me about your experience?
I have competed in a few Muay Thai fights, my record is currently 6 wins and 6 losses, with 3 of my wins coming by way of Knockout.
What was it like? Very interesting actually, there is an incredible amount of emotions to deal with before getting in there, nerves and excitement and fear etc.
What are your achievements? I've fought for a QLD Title earlier this, sadly I didn't get the win but I learned a lot while I was in there, currently training for another QLD title opportunity in March 2017.
Who inspires you? Lots of people actually, a lot of local fighters inspire me as well as some international fighters but my biggest inspiration would have to be my former coach Nick Trask from Heart Out Muay Thai.
Do you coach or teach Muay Thai? Yes I do, I've started my own little gym called Macen's Thai Gym which I named after my son who passed away in January 2015. 
What made you want to teach? I've always wanted to teach people, not just for self-defence but for self-esteem and discipline.
What have you learned during your journey? I've learned a lot about the sport and also a lot about myself, this journey has been up and down but it has made me a better person, and I can't wait for the future.
Do you have any advice for anyone interested in this sport? or anyone wanting to follow their dreams? The only thing I can say is if you have a dream, go for it. We only have 1 life, do what makes you happy at all times.

Thanks for sharing your journey with us Jordan. It means alot to have you on board with this #positivemovement with Daily Piece of Sunshine by participating in "Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others." You remind us that if you want to get things done, you have to be determined & work hard for it. If you wish to share your journey with us just like Jordan and many others have? Feel free to email your story to
We aim to share our experiences and journey with others who many need some inspiration, encouragement or motivation! Follow us on Instagram @dailypieceofsunshine for blog updates & quotes. Thank you!


Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Monday 26 December 2016

Meet Cathrine! 

Location: Samoa 

Daily Piece of Sunshine loves to share talents from around the world. I had the privilege of doing a short interview with a young talented singer from Samoa. An Island in the pacific well known for its clear-water beaches, breath taking views, surrounded with kind, loving people who are talented in many ways. 

So let me introduce this talented young lady...

Her name is Cathrine Falesii. A bright young girl with an angelic voice. Here's the interview: 

CJM: Hi, what's your name?

Cathrine: Cathrine Falesii

CJM: Nice to meet you! How old are you?

Cathrine: I'm 16 years old.

CJM: Where do you come from?

Cathrine: I'm from Samoa. 

CJM: Oh nice! What's your talent?

Cathrine: I'd like to say, I'm a talented young girl who loves to sing. Singing is my passion, it defines me.

CJM: That's amazing! I heard you were on a television show? What show was it? 

Cathrine: I was on 2 television shows, "Young Star" and "Star Search". I was the first to win the Young Star in history.

CJM: That is so awesome! How was it?

Cathrine: This experience has helped me to know that I can do anything I want to. I could never forget that day that I won "Young Star"

CJM: That must've been such an overwhelming experience!

CJM: So how old were you when you first started singing?

Cathrine: I've been singing since I was 7 years old. 

CJM: Cool! So have you performed at other places?

Cathrine: Yes, I have performed a lot both locally & internationally - Australian Government with Vaniah Toloa & recently a tour to New Zealand performing in a night club gig.

CJM: Sounds like such an amazing experience! So do you have a favorite singer?

Cathrine:  Yes, Chris Brown is my favourite!

Oh yes, he's quite talented! What's your have a favourite song?

Cathrine: My favourite song is called: "Broken" by Digga.

CJM: Oh, I have yet to check that one out! Is there anything that you do to overcome that nervous feeling before going on stage?

Cathrine: Yes, I joined the school choir & by doing that, it helping in building up my confidence.

CJM: That's such a great way to boost your confidence, to make it easier being on stage. I like that!

CJM: Well I just have 1 last question, What advice do you have for other young people out there who love to sing or want to pursue singing as a career? 

Cathrine: My advice to those people who want to become a good singer, is to practice every time and always remember that YOU CAN DO IT! 

CJM: Very inspiring words there, Cathrine! Thanks so much for sharing your journey and experience with us, it's been a pleasure to have you join us on Daily Piece of Sunshine! 

Cathrine: Thanks a lot! :)

It's a pleasure having young talented people like Cathrine Falesii share their journey & story with us here at Daily Piece of Sunshine. We aim to inspire others around the world with our journey and experiences and hope it spreads positivity & motivation, encouragement and inspiration to anyone who needs it. If you wish to a part of "Project: You Inspire Me, I Inspire You, Let's Inspire Others." and would like to have your story featured here, please email all inquiries to & Follow us @dailypieceofsunshine on Instagram. God bless! 

- CJM 

Project: You inspire Me. I inspire You. Lets inspire Others.

Friday 23 December 2016

Meet Stuart! 

Location: Australia

Stuart is a determined small business owner in Australia. He works together with Avon which is a world wide company that sells beauty products, house hold items and personal care. What they do? Deliver the best products at a reasonable price. His business caters for both Men and Women of all ages. Stuart started this business 2 months ago & hopes it will flourish into a company. Though he has just started his journey through business, he is quite determined to work hard and make it his own.

He wanted to start up a business so he didn't have to work the crazy hours and can work whenever he wants. By owning his own business, this will allows him to be flexible & wouldn't have to report to a boss for some time off because he will be his own boss. Another reason why he ventured out into starting a business is to bring extra income to his house hold & by setting up a business on the side, it has helped him out alot.

"What inspired Stuart to start?" 

He got inspired by a friend who was also in the business together with Avon. Stuart thought it was a waste of time at first but now has seen changes when he took on the opportunity & his thoughts have completely changed around. By working together with Avon in providing their products to customers, it has become less stressful for him as it was an easier way of getting extra income. I mean, we all could use a little extra right? Especially with these holidays coming up!

I asked Stuart if he had any advice for anyone who is looking into a similar business or looking at starting a business? 

He responded with:

"I just want to inspire other people to stick with what you want to do in life & never give up." 

Thank you Stuart, for your time & your support! I wish you best of luck with your endeavours & always remember, the sky's the limit!

To find out more about Stuart's Business - check out his Facebook Group called: "Your Friendly Representative"

Project: You Inspire Me. I inspire You - Lets Inspire Others.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Meet Alan!

Location: Australia

Alan is a dedicated individual who helps and encourages young professionals, entrepreneurs, students and small business owners to reach their goals both professional & personal. I have had the privilege to work alongside Alan years ago and I can truly say he is a great leader and a great mentor. I've asked Alan to share with us his journey and why he chose this path.

"Everything I do is to care and wholeheartedly support people's ambitions so that a positive impact is made in their lives.  I do this by empowering them with actionable steps that create confidence and direction.  I'm a big believer in making things happen for yourself, rather than just letting things happen to you.  If you really want something, crossing your fingers or making a wish when you blow out candles on your birthday cake probably isn't going to cut it. Make a plan, put it into action and let the good things roll! 

So, how did I find myself coaching people towards reaching their ambitions?

During my years working in hospitality, I have found training and developing people to be the most rewarding part of my gig. I quickly discovered that my knack for strategy, commitment and focus was motivating for others and kept them on track to achieve results. It's an awesome feeling to be able to harness your strengths to make an impact on someone's life.  You must know your strengths and capitalize what you're naturally good at! 

These days I'm all about guiding others to take the right steps towards a more productive, rewarding and satisfying life. We only get one life, so we best own it, live it & love it! If you have a burning goal that you want to achieve, or you simply want to know more, take action and talk to me via FB, IG, SC or " 

Thank you, Alan, for giving us an insight on what you do. It's great to see someone who loves to help out others reach their full potential. Keep up with the great work! You can reach out to Alan on;

Instagram: @alanaorgesa2b

Facebook: @AlanBorgesA2B
Snapchat: @alanborgesa2b 


Tuesday 20 December 2016

Daily Piece of Sunshine has kicked off new project of interviewing & featuring everyday people who inspire other people by their own personal journeys or experiences through anything whether it be business, weight loss, parenthood, survival, even sharing talents from people around the word etc.. The aim of this project is to spread positivity around the globe, to inspire others who may share the same interests or experience, even to motivate & encourage people with the use of our own personal experiences. We are all in this journey through life, let's help each other make the most of it :) If you wish to share a story with us or have any questions, email
Have a great Christmas & God bless!


Do angels really exist?

Monday 12 December 2016

Based on a true event. This is my story.

It was October 2015. We had just moved into a new place. One night, I was at home waiting for my mother & 2-year-old son (who was 1 at the time) to return from visiting my aunt. They arrived, so I was walking to the door to greet them. He got out of the car and held onto my mother's hand while she walked him over to the door. He let go of her hand to walk up the stairs to meet me but then he ran the other way towards our driveway. It was a steep driveway since our house is situated on a bit of a hill. I got to the door to hear my mother scream as she ran after him but tripped. I looked over and saw a car speeding down towards where my son was about to end up. As I jumped over the flight of stairs, dodged my mom to run after my child who was running down the driveway, I felt a feeling of calmness come over me but at the same time, I had planned to jump in front of the car and get hit if it would save my child's life. But when I looked up, he was heading towards the bottom of the steep drive way. THEN... I saw him trip over and bounce back. He fell on his bum. It felt like he hit some sort of forcefield and rebounded back. When he fell back, the car that was speeding down had just driven past. I couldn't get over what I had just saw. I quickly went and grabbed my son and went inside the house. I checked to see if he had any scratches or anything but he had nothing. I was sitting and thinking: "He should've rolled forward because he was going down hill?" but when I saw him fall back, it were as if someone had pushed him back. I could never forget that day and every day since that incident, I've always been thankful to the angels who have been watching over us all these years, especially my son. They are real. Angels do exist. 

- CJM 

A stranger's response....

Thursday 8 December 2016

Today, my son, my mother & I went grocery shopping. As I was loading the groceries into the car. A man approached us and said to my son: "This is for you my friend." and handed him some jellies from his store. He said: "Do you know why?" and looked and said to me: "Because your son has such a good heart." Ayraidos had offered him his Kinder Surprise Chocolate Egg while I was in his store buying some Lemons. The man didn't take the Kinder Surprise but was amazed at the act of kindness my 2 year old had shown him. He came back just to thank him & show his appreciation.

How beautiful to see such a great act of kindness on both sides. Ever since Ayraidos was born, we have been raising him to be someone giving, generous and kind. He sees us helping others, he's picked it up and doesn't hesitate to share with others.

A value I am proud as a mother to see my son have & hope that he will continue this as he grows older and lives a life of his own.


Omg she did what?

Monday 5 December 2016

I  got married in September. But the way I got married made alot of people think: "Wow that is awesome!" So everyone has their own way of getting married but for me, I didn't see the point in putting so much funds into an occasion which is made for 2. There's nothing wrong with it but it wasn't for me. I am a simple girl but definitely different in so many ways. So my Husband and I settled on an idea of getting married in a court-house with immediately family & lunch at Mcdonalds.  Yes, I walked into Mcdonalds in my wedding dress. The looks I got that day were the looks I expected. Everyone was shocked to see a Bride having Mcdonalds on her Wedding day. But we chose Mcdonalds because it's our son's favourite place to eat and it represents us, being laid back, simple and fun. Definitely not something you see everyday. But it wasn't until a couple of days ago when I put my picture in a public thread on Facebook and the way I got married, that's when it caught the eyes of many around the world. Many congratulated us on the choice we made, others were surprised and even inspired. But in the end, I married my best friend in the fashion that explains us in a nutshell. It was all to do with love, nothing to do with money. My wedding day was beautiful because it was real and that's what made it magical. I can't tell you the feelings I felt being in that room with the closest of people because words cannot describe that wonderful and intimate moment. It was fun & I absolutely would do it over again. No stress. No drama. Just love. 

- CJM  

When is it TOO MUCH?

Sunday 4 December 2016

You are so overwhelmed when you become a new parent. You want this & that, you want the best for your child always. You want to get awesome presents & give them everything but when is it too much?

I gave birth to my son in 2014. I stayed away from work to raise him. As I was spending time with him, teaching him etc.. Presents became simply nothing but a bunch of materialistic things that have no value. You grow with your child and you realise that even though you want to spend much money on him/her but there are values that are important than gifts that have to be taught & given. The value of money & that happiness doesn't rely on funds. The gift of giving. The feeling of compassion. The importance of respect. The beauty of love. These are the things that a child should be spoilt with. Not toys. This doesn't mean I don't give my son, gifts. Of course I do, but I don't buy him so much things to substitute the lessons I should be giving him or the time I should spend with him.

Each to their own though but giving a child too much can also be harmful. They become less appreciative of what's around them. They expect that they should receive a gift all the time. They won't know that they won't always get what they want in life. They'll expect everything handed to them. I've seen way too many cases of parents doing it out of love but it rebounds and they're left there questioning why their child is like that? It comes to what you taught them from the start. If you can't say or won't say NO, you give in and do whatever they say or want, you're already there. So even though you want to spoil your child? (I mean what parent doesn't, right?) But think of the repercussions of your actions. No one blames a child for being spoiled. They blame the parent. Teach them values more than spending money on them. This isn't a post to target any parent at all - this is just an eye opener. A refresher. Something to keep an open mind about. 

- CJM