Project: You Inspire Me. I Inspire You. Let's Inspire Others.

Thursday 29 December 2016

Meet Catherine Mahina Law!

Location: Australia

Catherine is a hardworking entrepreneur who recently launched her own business "Royalty Skin & Beauty" I have known this determined young lady for close to 10 years & over time, I've grown to see her succeeding in different aspects of life. This is her story that she wanted to share with us...

Catherine Mahina Law, 26 (March 1990), Cook island, Australian mixed. Graduated from Brisbane Adventist College 2007. On the side I am a Self- taught makeup artist for 9 years working alongside Blondie's Photography as a makeup artist and assistant photographer specializing in weddings. Career wise my first job was at McDonald's since then have worked for Telstra, Toyota, Mazda & Hyundai. Now I'm currently working full-time as a virtual receptionist.
Royalty Skin & Beauty was born in Nov 2016 after feeling uninspired, restless and not motivated with my current career choice. I have been made redundant twice and refuse to be a slave for someone else's dream any longer! I have gone around in circles and just went through life with a 'school - work' mindset and decided enough was enough and I created my own path.
My biggest inspiration is my mum & my 4 brothers. My mum raised me and my brothers as a single mum and never once used the 'single mum - woe is me' excuse. She was always working and educating herself and us kids. Now we are all grown up it is time to give back and retire my mum and ensure she lives a comfortable life. My mum worked too damn hard for me not to be a damn Boss Queen!
My advice for ANYONE out there; It is hard. You have to sacrifice your time, money, friends... everything. But what will drive you and motivate you is that stupid alarm at 6am as you drag yourself outta bed, it's checking the price tag before you buy anything, the Christmas presents you can't buy and everything else that you were taught at school but it all actually meant crap when you graduated. I would love to see less people getting turnt every weekend and more people working on achieving their dreams! Do you need a MBA? Pfft Nope! The most successful people were just normal everyday guys who tried and failed more times than they succeeded but when they persevered and they put in all the hard work at the start? In the end, they created an empire.
Exodus 20:4 "Six days you shall labor and do all your work..." Keyword? You need to put in the work, go out of your comfort zone and do all the laboring before you get that well-deserved rest. So stop wasting time and go out there and take control back of your QUEENDOM!

ROYALTY Skin & Beauty

I sell over 200 products, specializing in:
*Skin care, Anti-aging, Oral hygiene, Hair care, Health & wellbeing products and makeup. These are all:
🐰Cruelty Free
⚗Scientifically Backed

2017 will bring for ROYALTY:
Makeup 💄
Facials & specialist skincare appointments
I am also RECRUITING! Beauty ambassadors wanted! Email me or comment on any social media platforms!

Thank you, Catherine, for sharing with us your journey & encouraging us that we all need to put in the hard work to get to where we would like to be. If you wish to find out more visit her social media pages listed below; Instagram: @royaltyskinandbody
Snapchat: @royaltyglamfam
Facebook: @royaltyskinbym If you wish to share your journey with us on Daily Piece of Sunshine, feel free to email all inquiries to FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @dailypieceofsunshine for the latest updates. The aim is to spread positivity through our own personal journey and experiences. This could help motivate, inspire or encourage other people in a positive way who are going through something similar or just in need of a little push. We must work together in order to see a change. Have a great weekend & God bless. - CJM

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